Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bead Earrings (September 2012)

These are just some of my latest creations I've been creating bead earrings for years now and never think of compiling them. I hope I could continue updating my designs and hopefully learn new techniques in customizing beaded earrings. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Make a Gift Wrapper Wall Frame

Mona Lisa's wall frame had been sitting for quite some time in the corner of my room in my parent's house. I like the replica of the world's best known art work- Mona Lisa, with her enchanting smile, an enigmatic model, with a charm I wanted to describe as beautiful, yet I also wanted to describe as simple, plain and ordinary. Somehow, it seems I experienced the same dilemma art interpreters, art enthusiasts and fanatics felt when they saw this uncanny piece of art.